Available certificates

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I - Instructions for abstract submission

To submit abstracts, the author responsible for the submission must be registered at the event. Payment is required upon registration to enable the option to send your abstract. Other authors who register at the congress should not send the same abstract already registered.

The abstracts may be a paper or case reports. Authors will be able to select the preferred type of presentation: oral presentation or electronic poster.

All abstracts must be submitted exclusively through the official Congress website.

To submit, proceed as follows:

1) Log in to the restricted area [My Login] with the username and password that you have informed during registration. New menus will be displayed.

2) Click on the [My Abstracts] menu.

3) Follow the instructions on the screen to access the abstract submission form. Fill in all fields of the online form.

4) Before submitting the abstract, please review it carefully. Any changes will be allowed only until the final submission deadline.

ATTENTION: The submitting author must fill in all the fields in the online form. All communications related to the abstract will be sent only to this author by registered email and he/she will be responsible for forwarding them to co-authors.

5) At the end of submission, click on the “Log Off” button.

6) After submitting the abstract, the person responsible for the submission will receive an email confirming the information provided. Check if all the information is correct. If there is anything wrong, log in again and make the necessary changes (up to the deadline for submission of abstracts).

7) If you do not receive the automatic email confirming the submission on the same day, the abstract was not sent correctly. In this case, go to [Information >> Contact us] and send an email reporting what happened and what problem you had. Remember to check the SPAM box.

8) To access the event website again, just use your username and password at the [My Login] menu. If you have forgotten, use the "Remember Password" option.

II - Guidelines for abstract preparation

• The title should be concise and reflect the study to be presented. The length of the title must be limited to 250 characters.

• The abstract body should not exceed 2500 characters with spaces (title and authorship/ affiliation are not included).

The Paper must be typed in a single body, and the author is suggested to follow the sequence: Introduction, Objective, Method, Results, and Conclusion.

The Case Report must be structured into Case Presentation, Discussion and Final Comments. Considering that case reports are important to contribute to the exchange of experiences among professionals, the Committee recommends that only relevant reports of common cases with atypical evolution or really rare cases be sent.

• The institution(s) where the research was done, as well as the names of the authors, should NOT be mentioned in the body of the text.

• The content of the abstract should be associated with the topic selected.

• The use of graphs or tables will not be allowed in the submission of abstracts, although such resources may be used on the presentation materials.

• Must be entered up to 3 keywords.

• References should not be included in the electronic submission. It is suggested that the authors refrain from using abbreviations.

• Results based on statements such as "results will be presented" and "data will be analyzed" will not be considered. These should be explained as clearly as possible, and the conclusions should be based on the data presented. In the case of an ongoing study, for example, the authors should present at least the preliminary results.

• Case reports without clear originality and relevance that justify their presentation will not be accepted.

• Literature review abstracts will be rejected.

• Trade names are not allowed, only generic drug names, written in lowercase letters.

III - Important Information

The ABSTRACTS must be submitted only in English. Abstracts submitted in other languages won’t be considered. It must be grammatically correct, otherwise, it may be refused.

• The deadline for abstract submission is 02/19/2024.

• There is no limit of abstracts submitted by the author.

• There is no limit of authors included per abstract. Please list the authors in the desired order.  The inclusion of more authors will not be allowed after the submission deadline.

IMPORTANT: The person responsible for presenting the abstract must be one of the co-authors.

• On 03/01/2024, abstract acceptance will be published in the “My Abstracts” link of the submission site (author log in).

• The presentation must be made by the author indicated at the time of submission. If this is not possible, another author of the abstract must make the presentation, as long as they are registered for the event and have paid the registration fee. The modification must be notified to the Scientific Committee by 03/10/2024, through contact via the HelpDesk informing the need for the change.

• Only one certificate will be issued per presented abstract. Certificates are issued following the order in which authors were registered.

• To receive the certificate of your abstract after the event, one of the listed authors must be registered and have attended the event.

• Please note: all materials produced based on the abstracts (such as publications in scientific journals) must be a faithful reproduction of the information submitted by the author. It is therefore not possible to change the title, summary, or list of authors after the submission deadline. We emphasize that the submitting author is fully responsible for all the information provided.

• Registration fees can be found at the “Registration” menu of the congress website and are independent of the approval date of the abstract. To ensure any discount, payment of the fees must be made within the established deadlines.

• The first author can choose the modality for the abstract presentation. However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to alter this choice.

• The final decision of the Scientific Committee on presentation modality is considered final and conclusive and will not be questioned.

• By submitting the papers, the authors commit themselves to comply with the laws and ethical standards that govern research with humans and animals, including the approval of the Research Ethics Committees and Committees on Animal Research and Ethics.

• The Scientific Committee reserves the right to refuse work, without informing the reasons for the refusal.

• Submitting the summary represents the commitment on the part of the author(s) to present the paper, if accepted, during the event.

• The Organizing Committee of Congress will not be responsible for the costs of registration, transportation, accommodations, or any other costs generated by presentations in any modality.

IV - Main areas

» Palliative care
» Neuro-Oncology
» Neurosurgery
» Neuroimaging
» Oncologic Neurology
» Neuropathology
» Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery

V - Guidelines for Approved Abstracts


• The study must be presented in 08 minutes, followed by 02 minutes of discussion, totaling 10 minutes per presentation. The time that the presenter exceeds 8 minutes will be subtracted from the discussion. After 10 minutes, the panel will request the presentation to end, with no questions asked.

• The presentation must be prepared using slides (PowerPoint) and the presenter must attend at the Media Desk/VIP Room 1 hour in advance to save the file in the system.

The oral presentation and slides must be prepared in English.

• It is optional, but recommended, to use the template slide offered by the event. [CLICK HERE] to download it.

• If none of the authors attend the event, the presentation will be canceled, and the certificate will not be issued.

• Information about the day and time of the presentation will be communicated by email, also will be available in the restricted area of ​​the author responsible for submitting the abstract, through the menu [My Abstracts] and previously stipulated in the scientific program of the congress.

• The Organizing Committee of the Congress will not be responsible for registration, transportation, accommodation, or other costs generated for the presentation of abstracts.

• The Scientific Committee determines the date and time of the presentation and it is not possible to request a change to the participation date.



• Abstracts must be sent in electronic poster format, that is, they do not need to be printed. All submitted posters of approved abstracts will be on display throughout the conference.

• The electronic poster must be sent using the following submission link: [CLICK HERE] TO BE REDIRECTED OR COPY AND PASTE THE FOLLOWING LINK INTO YOUR BROWSER: https://e-poster.com.br/snola-2024/

• Submission deadline: 03/20/2024 - The system will be open until 23:59 - Brasília time.

• The guidelines for creating and sending the electronic poster are all presented in the link above.

• There are no requirements regarding the number of words, letters, or characters, colors, or fonts. Images, graphics, institution and event logos can be included.

• To obtain the certificate, the author must send the electronic poster and participate in the congress.

• During the congress, participants will be able to access all approved electronic posters at any of the available totems. Abstracts can be found by ID, title, and subject. Each abstract has a link to access the electronic poster file.

ATTENTION: The code (ID) of the work is in the [My Abstracts] menu of the author responsible for the submission.

• The author or co-author, who previously submitted the abstract through the website, is responsible for punctual delivery and adequate format. The congress organization is not responsible for files delivered after the established deadline or with formatting problems.

• After the congress, the electronic certificate of the approved abstract will be available to the author responsible for submitting the work on the website (through participation in the event and exhibition of the abstract).

VI - Awards

• SNOLA 2024 Best Oral Presentation: US$ 1000
• SNOLA 2024 Best Electronic Poster: US$ 1000


ATTENTION!! There will be a session at the end of the congress to present the awards and participation is necessary to receive the award. If there is no representative author of the abstract present at the award ceremony, the award goes to second place, and so on.





VII – Publication

All the approved abstracts will be available on the official website of the congress.

VIII - Certificates

After the congress, the certificates of the approved abstracts will be available to the author responsible for the submission on the congress website (conditional on his/her attendance at the event). To print or download the PDF file, you must access the "Certificates" menu, located on the congress homepage, enter the registered email, and fill in the Satisfaction Survey.

Important notice: the certificates will not be sent directly by email.

• A certificate will be issued with the title of the abstract, in the approved modality, and the name of all authors registered at the time of submission. This certificate will be available to the author responsible for submitting the abstract. It is valid for all authors and can be shared by the author responsible.

• At least one of the authors must be registered and have attended the event to receive the certificate later.

• If the author responsible for submitting the abstract has not attended the event, one of the coauthors (who attended and presented the paper) may request the transfer of the certificate through the Help Desk menu.

• A certificate of presentation of the abstract will be issued, containing the title of the work, the approved modality and the name of the presenter. If the presenter of the work is different from that informed at the time of submission, the change must be requested through the “Help Desk” on the congress website.

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